
Are we free...or ...not?!?

America is the land that gives you opportunity. You are free to have choice. Most likely, those that are not feeling Free are this way due to those who have freely chosen, only mistakenly. This forces the need for exception. The vast amount of difference in America prevents true freedom. Of course, we all can criticize the truth that we are not free from political mumble jumble rules. However, we are most definitely free regarding our opportunity to make change. We mostly, assume the change cannot be made by just one. Technically, this is true. However, we have the right as well as the freedom to gain support. This can be very effective. A domino effect. Most of us do not take this as opportunity, but, rather, too much. We tend to fall into the belief that claims we should not even have to pursue change. Therefore, we do not take our free opportunity given to us. We all are guilty to stop at the thought of what should be most of the time. This is how we succeed in leaving the decisions to fall onto the shoulders of another. No, we cannot say that our every try to make change succeeds. However, we can say, that our failed try is not the last try. We are not cases with a try once law. Sure, the likelihood is not large. Sure, The support will not be so easy a second, third or fourth try. However, There is always another option. If America is not the land of the free. Then there is no freedom that exists. Now, some hope just as easily, as the belief of not truly being free is, that the understanding of why this belief is easily misunderstood. A catch twenty-two to some. To others, an understanding that consistently needs a reminding. We must abide by rules set. Not due to any person trying to take our freedom away. But, instead, to keep peace with the varied differences of opinions regarding freedom. For me Freedom means I have the freedom to try. That to me is most important, and the very type of freedom that holds no boundaries. For another it may mean Free to be selfish. Free to not have to think of the various differences of our country. Free to do as they please with no consequence or responsibility towards the consideration of others and they are path of life. There are definitions that can definitely prove that this is not a free country. There are definitions that can definitely prove this is a free country. The greatest thing to me is that I am free to state my belief without having to be prosecuted. Without fearing, my freedom sacrificed. Your belief may or may not differ. That is what is great about the Land of the free. I can choose whether or not to respect your opinion. Can you say the same? Of course, you can. It is your choice. You are free to say what you want. You are free to be what you want. You are free to choose your way in life. Its up to you. That is America. That is the way of this land that gives so freely.

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